Monday, September 17, 2007

Helping Our Military Members

I just stumbled upon two requests and would like to share them with you. If you have any more, by all means, send them! I would love to have a page of requests as long as my arm along with 20 pages of responders providing fulfillment.

Check the list and see if you can help. If you do, send a quick post here to let us know you did, even if it is anonymous. Sometimes people are inspired by others' good deeds.

  • Want To Knit or Crochet For Soldiers? Scarves needed. Contact Diana Burrell at The Renegade Writer.
  • Our Sally needs people to help her assemble cards that were requested by two units. E-mail me here and I will put you in touch.
  • Books For Soldiers. This site offers a forum for volunteers and a place for soldiers to request what they need or would like. See if you can get involved.

That's all I can think of for now. If you know of anything that should be on this list, let me know and I will be happy to include it. These men and women are only doing their job and need all of our support. If that support comes in the form of a scarf, a book or a card they can send back home to their spouse or parent, then that's what needs to be done. Get involved if you can. At the very least, keep all of our brave men and women serving our country, be it here or abroad, in your prayers.

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